Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yukon College Endowment Lands

Hello Friends of McIntyre Creek,

A reminder that the Yukon College is holding a public input session tonight (May 23) at 7pm at the Association franco-yukonnaise (L'AFY), 302 Strickland St.  If you can't attend the session in person, you can submit comments online until June 1.  Follow this link to provide input online:

This is an important opportunity to share your thoughts on how you see the College evolving and adapting to the future.  More specifically, this is an opportunity to tell the Yukon College how important protecting McIntyre Creek is to the future of the College.

Please consider the following when submitting comments:
Any lands that are designated College Endowment Lands need to be managed with the participation of the public and local organizations and in a way that ensures the ecological, recreational and educational values are protected.  A large buffer must be maintained along McIntyre Creek – the 250m buffer (125m each side) suggested by the EDI McIntyre Creek Wildlife Corridor Assessment (2011) is not sufficient.  The College should be encouraged to ask for a Park designation for lands that are not designated College Endowment Lands.

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