Friday, October 25, 2013

Sign Project October 25, 2013

There was a very good turn out for the official launch of the sign project in Middle McIntyre Creek.  Christina MacDonald of the Yukon Conservation Society, and Dorothy Bradley, President of Friends of McIntyre Creek, said a few words about the sign project, and the hope that this area would be protected for a park.
 Is it a wave?  Is it a blessing?  Let this be a park!

Dorothy Bradley and Christina MacDonald

Some of the people out for the noon hour launch of the sign project.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dear FOMC members,

Please join the Friends of McIntyre Creek (FOMC) and the Yukon Conservation Society (YCS) in celebrating the official opening of the Middle McIntyre Creek Trail and Signage Project.  Over the past 6 months, FOMC and YCS have collaborated with community members and representatives of governments and local organizations to develop new features to increase responsible trail use and awareness of the environmental and recreational values of Middle McIntyre Creek.  These features are:

  • 5 interpretive signs that present information about the local ecology
  • 4 self-guided hike brochures (copies will be available at the event and at the YCS Office)
  • Regulatory signage on designated motorized multiuse trails through the area

When: Friday, October 25, 2013, noon-1pm.  Please stay longer and take a guided hike around the area.
Where: meet at the McIntyre Creek multiuse bridge by the blue pumphouse.  Access is via the dirt road ¾ of the way up College Drive.

I hope you can join us to view these new trail features and celebrate the hard work of so many volunteers.  If you aren’t able to attend, the interpretive signs and brochures will shortly be available for viewing on the YCS and FOMC websites:


Christina Macdonald
Project Coordinator
Yukon Conservation Society

Volunteers install an interpretive sign overlooking Stinky Lake in Middle McIntyre Creek