Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New Executive for the 2012-13 term

I am pleased to announce that at tonight's meeting our new Board Executive was chosen:

We have Dorothy Bradley, as returning President,
John Carney agreed to be Vice President when past VP Gerry Steers declined.
Karen Baltgailis, as Secretary/Treasurer - we combined the Secretary and Treasurer this year into one position.
with Christina Macdonald agreeing to be the Minute taker
The remaining members of the Board are:  returning Directors  Gerry Steers, Al von Finster, Michael Bendall, Jeffrey Marynowski, and our new member joining us this term, Cathy Deacon.

We wish to thank outgoing Treasurer Lidia Krukowska for her work for us this past year.

We look forward to working together this new term for the preservation of the McIntyre Creek area, and with the hope of having it designated as a Park.

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