Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28 - Vandals

Vandals have destroyed the fence protecting the replanted area along McIntyre Creek.  I didn't see who did it, but the tires tracks  right down to the destroyed fence, kind gave me a hint of who the perps were.  Fortunately the planted trees had not been damaged, and I hope this remains the case.

The sign on the fence just went up in the last while, and I kind of wonder if that sign was the catalyst to the vandals' actions.  I was so pleased to see all last year, and all winter, the fence was not attacked.  Yet not that long after the sign went up, the damage took place. 

We talk about sharing the McIntyre Creek area, some for non-motorized use and others for motorized vehicles, but I have to admit it makes me less considerate of the motorized users when I see this kind of senseless damage.  I know that not all motorized users are vandals, but all motorized vehicles cause damage with their huge tires churning up the ground, when they travel the trails.  All it takes is a few vandals causing damage to sour people's attitudes towards them.

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