Friday, June 1, 2012

Post from Mark Daniels, KSA

Here's a photo of the rock some unknown party placed to block access to the multi-use bridge a week past.  The kids and I used pipes and blocks to move it aside.  We should collectively condemn this unsafe act of ill-will.

Also, some vandal knocked over the poplar-rail fence that was protecting the revegetation just downstream of the crossing last weekend.  It was obviously done with a large motor vehicle based on the tracks and the extent of the damage.  I didn't have a camera with me on that trip but I see there are a couple of good photos on the Friends blog site.  We should also collectively condemn this act of vandalism.


Mark Daniels
President, KSA
Head, TCT (Yukon)

Note:  The rock was previously in front of the large rock on the left, as additional buffer to large vehicles crossing the bridge.  It was moved further to the left than its original position, which was similar to the one pictured on the right.   Gerry

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