Saturday, May 23, 2009

Greenspace Referendum

Hi everyone - at the last Friends of McIntyre Creek board meeting we
discussed the fact that the City of Whitehorse as part of their Official
Community Plan review is asking whether the Greenspace Referendum Bylaw
should be done away with. Evidently Planner Mike Gau has said that it would
be impossible to make changes that are recommended in the review with this
bylaw in place. I disagree - the only changes that would not be possible
without a referendum would be ones that change park reserves, environmental
protection or greenbelt into development zones. I'm attaching the bylaw for
your info.

Mayor Buckway was quoted in the paper as saying it was the Chamber of Commerce that wants the bylaw axed.

Another thing that was raised at the FOMC meeting was that maybe we couldn't
get McIntyre Creek made into a park because of the OCP referendum
requirement. The way I read it is that there might have to be a referendum
before the park was created, but I don't think that would be a bad thing.

I think it is important to let the City know that the referendum bylaw is
valued by residents as a way to ensure a democratic process for zoning and
to protect greenspace from being eroded a little at a time by City Council
in response to rezoning applications.

- Karen

Karen Baltgailis
Executive Director
Yukon Conservation Society
302 Hawkins Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 1X6
Tel: (867) 668-5678
Fax: (867) 668-6637

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