Wednesday, August 20, 2014

McIntyre Creek Shoreline Cleanup September 20 - 10 am

 Please join us at the Pump House at the Yukon College pond, Blue City Water building on September 20 at 10 am for a cleanup.  Registration is not necessary, but it will help us to purchase enough food for lunch for the volunteers if you preregister.

Shore line signup site

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wetland Keepers Course - August 2014

Friends of McIntyre Creek 
Annual Wetland Keepers Course 
8th ,9th and 10th August

Seven registrants spend the weekend learning about Wetlands.
Classroom and infield instruction included  the important classification  of  wetland types.
Practical hands-on instruction on surveying and documentation of wetland types, particular fauna, flora and invertebrates relative to each wetland type was learned.
Hydrology of specific wetlands was illustrated, as well as instruction on how to preserve  the status quo, change or  mitigate any destructive alteration which may  affect the status of the wetlands.
The course was very hands on and enjoyable but a little dampened on the Sunday.  However registrants did not seemed to be phased by the wet weather as, after all, we were out in the "wetlands'.

Thanks to Tami Hamilton and Cris  Guppy- instructors, courtesy of EcoFor, Environmental Consultants, and Celeste Sundquist -Bendall for the superb lunches.

Photos provided by participants, Michael Bendall and Dorothy Bradley.

Participants of Wetland Keepers Workshop - Photo by Gerry Steers

Good wetland

Beaver damn with old sticks

Marsh weed

Naturalists at Work


Wood frogs




Chris Guppy with bug on glasses ready to take flight

Bugs and fish

Chinook Salmon found

Beginning the walk into the wetlands

A little assistance needed over the Creek

Rich fen

Rich fen

Rich fen


Surveying the count

Degradation from stock


Assessing beaver dam

Failed beaver dam

Fish Lake

Fish lake

Spider web across back

ATV  crossing

Lichen on stump

Stinging nettle

Wasp worm