Interesting article - want to be happy? Live near a park!
Sadly, the water levels continue to drop in the little pond below the Yukon College. Removing the beavers has upset what was a lovely area for ducks to hatch their young, for people to enjoy the water canoeing, and other features of nature.
There are still people building fires there, along the shore line, and near the water station. It is very dangerous with things being dry, and with this park being close to residences, and all it takes is one spark to dry areas for a fire to start.
Awhile back, there was a fire that may have been caused from a lightning strike, and fortunately a senior in the residence spotted the smoke and reported it. I came across the fire fighters as they were finishing putting the fire out.
I have been taking photos like crazy, like the little rose bush beginning to grow right in the middle of the trail, tire tracks around it, the many different flowers, the eagle on its perch, and of course the rushing water in the creek as it passes near the bridges. It never ceases to amaze me how nature survives even the toughest treatment.
I hope you are all out enjoying the good weather we have been having, and you know what is really great about the middle McIntyre Creek area - there no mosquitoes in the afternoon!!! Now doesn't that make a hike more enjoyable?!?!?
I hiked the trails in the Crestview area with a friend in the middle of the afternoon, and was buzzed, and harrassed constantly by swarms of the little biters! Although the trails are lovely, with little streams, and lakes, I wouldn't hike there again in the summer, just because of the bugs. The fact that I never needed bug spray in the 26 years I have been hiking middle McIntyre Creek has always been amazing to me, and just makes me appreciate this area even more as a little local paradise.
So everyone, get out and enjoy the summer while you can, before we are again stomping out our trails in the snow.
By the way, be careful on the trail below the Yukon College, as the erosion is reducing the trail even more, and it seems daily, although I am sure it isn't that fast, but it is a sharp drop off, and if you aren't watching your feet, and perhaps watching the eagle on its perch, you could be in for a nasty fall.