Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ugly Duckling??

On our Easter Sunday hike through the trails of McIntyre Creek, we spotted this lone swan hanging out with a flock of ducks. It brought back the memory of the children's story, where the swan was considered an "ugly duckling". I thought it was rather strange to see a single swan, and wondered how it had gotten separated from its flock.

Easter Weekend

Spring has sprung, but it wasn't crocuses that were filling the woods, but people. The sunny, warm days had lots of folks out and about to enjoy the McIntyre Creek hikes and play in the creek. People were happy to shed the heavy winter clothing, and enjoy the sun.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Signs of Spring - We need your Help

Today on our hike along McIntyre Creek, we spotted a young eagle dining on some camp fire left overs. I would have expected to see crocus flowers popping up by this time of year, but there is still too much snow this year.

McIntyre Creek needs your support to protect the wildlife corridor. Please keep working, talking with City Council, writing letters to your MLA, letters to the editor, and whatever you can do to get your friends and neighbours onside before Porter Creek D development destroys this jewel. The City appears to be on the fast track to proceed with this development. They had assured us that work would not proceed on Porter Creek D until Whistle Bend was completed, but I am afraid it does not look like this is their current view. The plans are still going forward to have a road crossing the Creek for Whistle Bend, and there is talk of more work with culverts for bringing water services to the Porter Creek D development. We cannot relax our vigil to save this wildlife corridor. We need your help!! You can contact us at friendsofmcintyre@gmail.com.